On July 4, a Florida man was arrested for allegedly driving a lawnmower while drunk. The strange incident took place in Holmes Beach at around 12 a.m.
According to media outlets, officers from the Holmes Beach Police Department had just completed a separate call when they saw the defendant cross in front of one of their cruisers while riding a Grasshopper lawnmower with no lights. He then reportedly drove the mower through a nearby church parking lot and weaved all over the road.
The officers approached the man and allegedly found an alcoholic beverage in his possession. When they asked why he was driving a lawnmower, he reportedly told them he had lent the machine to a neighbor and was driving it back home. Although he was not driving a car, the officers took him into custody and charged him with DUI, saying that he was driving a “large” and “dangerous” piece of equipment while intoxicated. The defendant has five previous DUIs on his record, including arrests in Florida, Michigan and Illinois. His driver’s license was revoked in 1986 and permanently suspended in 1992.
Drunk driving convictions often lead to harsh penalties, including jail time, heavy fines and the loss of driving privileges. However, individuals facing DUI charges might be able to help their situation by contacting a criminal defense attorney for assistance. In some cases, the attorney may be able to successfully challenge the accuracy of any field sobriety or breathalyzer tests that were performed, making them inadmissible in court. In other cases, legal counsel may suggest entering plea negotiations with prosecutors. If these negotiations are successful, the charges and penalties might be significantly reduced.