Domestic violence is a pervasive issue, often occurring behind closed doors, hidden from public view. It involves a pattern of abusive behavior used by one partner to gain control over another. The signs are not always visible, but the impact is profound and lasting....
Domestic Violence
Understanding domestic violence
Domestic violence is a grave issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It is not just about physical abuse. It may include behaviors aimed at controlling and intimidating a partner or family member. Facing false accusations of domestic violence could impact...
The role of technology in domestic violence
Technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. However, it has also created new opportunities for abusers to exploit and control their victims. Domestic abuse can go beyond physical Domestic violence continues to be a problem that affects...
Addressing a false accusation of domestic violence
If you are falsely accused of domestic violence, it can be devastating and have a serious impact on several aspects of your life. It can affect your employment and personal relationships with family and friends. Domestic violence In Florida, domestic violence applies...
Will I face incarceration for a domestic violence conviction?
Domestic violence allegations are unfortunately common in Florida. Often, domestic violence charges put otherwise law-abiding people in situations they never expected to be in. There are many concerns that accompany this type of charge. One question is if there will...
What happens if you violate a restraining order or injunction in Florida?
Following a domestic violence incident, the alleged victim has the option petition the court to grant a restraining order or injunction against the alleged perpetrator. Once a restraining order or injunction is granted, it becomes legally binding. Any violations of...
Will my DV charges go away if my wife drops the charges?
It happens, verbal altercations can escalate. Those whom we love the most and those who love us the most know how to push our buttons, and we know how to push theirs. Often, this is the case when someone is facing domestic violence (DV) charges. While society seeks to...
Defending against false accusations of domestic violence
Domestic violence is a serious matter that impacts thousands of men and women each year. As much as we would like to think that no one would ever falsely accuse someone of such a serious crime, false accusations of domestic violence are not at all uncommon. Some...
What is considered domestic violence?
Domestic violence is a complicated subject. Some people may be surprised to know that the authorities may define domestic violence as more than just hitting or kicking. Both those who have been victims of domestic violence and those who have been accused of it can...
Domestic violence charges can change a person’s life
A criminal charge related to domestic violence charge is a serious matter for any Polk County resident. Even if they are first-time offenders and there are no other aggravating circumstances, jail time is always a possibility. Moreover, a person can still face...