Imagine cruising down a Florida highway and seeing flashing lights in your rearview mirror. A cop asks you to stop and take a chemical impairment test. Panic sets in. Should you refuse? Before you decide, it's crucial to understand what happens next. This blog...
DUI Defense
Can you get a DUI for riding a bike?
The image of a DUI often involves flashing lights and a car pulled over to the side of the road. But what about bicycles? Can you still get in trouble with the law if you ride a bike instead of driving a car after having a few drinks? In Florida, you can encounter DUI...
Was my stop at a DUI checkpoint in Florida legal?
It is summer in Florida, and you may have likely heard on the news or in papers that police in your area are setting up DUI checkpoints especially during days and times when people are likely to be drinking alcohol. While we can all agree that drunk driving should be...
Plea deal accepted in crash that killed four mothers in 2018
The sudden death of a loved one from an impaired driver confounds an already emotionally complicated process. Raw emotions took center stage after a judge agreed to sentence a woman to four years in prison for operating a motor vehicle in 2018 while intoxicated that...
Drunk driving crash takes life of Leon County officer
A Leon County police officer has died in a suspected drunk driving crash. The officer, who worked in the Oakwood Police Department, was working in an off-duty capacity at a construction sight in Mesquite. The crash occurred at 1:30 a.m. along Interstate Highway 635....
Building a defense against DUI charges
When law enforcement pulls a driver over on suspicion of a DUI, it is not an experience easily forgotten. The shock of the officer’s charges, the embarrassment of submitting to field sobriety tests and then the officer’s arrest are all painful. But that is just the...
DUI penalties in Florida
The offense of DUI in Florida involves operating a motor vehicle while either noticeably impaired from the effects of alcohol or possessing a blood-alcohol content of .08 or more. Courts in the state take these offenses seriously, and a variety of possible...
Federal probationer faces DUI manslaughter, child neglect charges
A Florida man already on federal probation for trafficking methamphetamine has more legal woes since an arrest for child neglect and driving under the influence. The sheriff's office says the pickup truck the man was driving collided head-on with a Chevrolet van. The...
Florida man charged with driving lawnmower while intoxicated
On July 4, a Florida man was arrested for allegedly driving a lawnmower while drunk. The strange incident took place in Holmes Beach at around 12 a.m. According to media outlets, officers from the Holmes Beach Police Department had just completed a separate call when...
Retired Florida judge charged with DUI
A retired Florida judge was taken into custody on drunk driving charges on the night of June 27 after she was involved in an alleged hit-and-run traffic accident in Palm Beach County. According to the Riviera Beach Police Department, breath tests conducted several...