Avoid These Three Key Mistakes During Divorce
Attorney Paul Blenk, founder of Blenk Law, PA, has been guiding clients through divorce and other family law matters in Polk County since 2001. Over the years, he has developed a keen understanding of what leads to lasting success for divorcing couples and what doesn’t.
Following are three of the most common mistakes that people make during divorce:
1. Making The Children Pawns
While the children’s best interests should always come first, especially when it comes to parenting time arrangements and child support payments, this doesn’t always happen. Sadly, some parents end up using the children as tools or weapons in order to “win” the divorce. For instance, one parent may falsely accuse the other of abuse simply to gain custody or get the other person out of the house.
No matter how hurt or angry you feel toward your spouse, don’t let your children become the victims of those feelings. It can lead to a lifetime of issues for them, and it won’t solve your problems.
2. Allowing Emotions To Rule
Divorce is an emotionally charged process; there’s no denying it. You’re tearing apart one of the closest relationships of your life, separating yourself from a world of memories and trying to start again. However, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is basing significant decisions on your current emotions.
For example, you may feel very bitter toward your spouse and want him or her to pay for the wrongs he or she has done to you. In the heat of this emotion, taking your spouse to court and publicly exposing his or her faults may seem like the very best choice. However, resolving the matter through mediation can potentially save you a considerable amount of money. Is proving your point in court really worth the increased expense? Whether or not to litigate is one decision that needs to be based on objective reasoning, not momentary passion.
3. Failing To Plan For The Future
Fairly dividing assets and debts is one of the most critical components of divorce. When it comes to determining who gets what, however, it is essential that you take your long-term needs into account. For instance, you may want to keep the house, but can you really afford the mortgage payments on one income — to say nothing of the property taxes and upkeep? Working with a skilled lawyer can help ensure that you consider all the financial ramifications of your actions so you don’t jeopardize your future.
To learn more about protecting yourself from serious mistakes during your Florida divorce, set up a $100 flat fee consultation with lawyer Paul Blenk. Call 863-578-8617 or complete the online form today.